I'm Aftab Tariq
I make Games to Change People
I’m a Game Design and Development Student specializing in narrative design based out of Brantford, Ontario, CA.Here you can find my personal projects throughout my time at University for Game Design.
Through the looking glass
Game Master's Notes for a Mutants and Masterminds mini-campaign
A Tale of Woodland Right and Might

Fire. As far as the clearing stretched, there was fire, and this pyre would illuminate the evening for leagues, the plume of smoke climbing ever higher. The Dracon has exacted its due and laid claim to the woodland, as is its right.But first, we must turn back the days, to Birdsong a week prior.“And you’re sure this is the fastest way?” The cloaked lizard asked, inquisitively examining the hard dirt face of the cave, as lamplight illuminated the mining operation. “T’would do ya well to let the experts handle things lad. We have it from here.” The ancient mole adjusted his dust covered suit. His hands trembled as he brought the cigar to his lips afore taking a drag. “We said we’ll get ya as close to the Keep as we could, trust in our delivery.” Heidrich, the Lord of Mud and leader of the moles said.The lizard nodded sagely, his eyes nought more than emerald slits through the shade of his hood in the lamplight. “Very well. I will return to you by nightfall. Thank you for your services, I hope your new home will serve you well.” Heidrich issues forth a cough with a bellow of dust and debris, before he says, “Say, what is it yer trying to do there? Want to sneak yerself a store of the Marquise’s finest catnip?” He laughs at his own joke, and the numerous moles behind him, clad in miner’s gear, echo his laughter.“Nay. I simply seek an audience with her majesty.” The Insurgent finally draws his hood back to rub the dust from his eyes, his face pulled into a twisted sneer, scales dappled with scars from slashes and burns. He turns around and returns to his temporary quarters in the molish citadel to get some rest afore the long evening to come.The moles cluster around their citadels and markets like flies around a dead Eyrie leader. They mine and work diligently, and revel ere harder come night. A restless and sleepless people. Alas, The Insurgent has no such luxury, for he has work to do.And thusly the highly anticipated moment arrived. The cave opens deep behind enemy lines, with Feline soldiers abound every which way, barracks, sawmills and factories, the very ground poisoned and the air thick with smoke. The Marquise De Cat and her machine of war and tyranny rules the woodland with an iron fist. An unforgiving grasp that would be forced open erelong, along with the other unworthy heathens that have wronged the Dracon.It was imperative that The Insurgent remain undetected. Although a formidable warrior even by his lonesome, t’would take nought more than a batallion of battle hungry cats to rip his scales asunder. Picking off lonesome stragglers with a well placed crossbow bolt twixt the eyes, he arrives at the Servant’s entrance to the keep. A massive bastion, and testament to the Marquise’s nigh indomitable strength. Now, for the most daunting task.The labyrinthian interior of the Keep would have deterred any lesser infiltrator, but the Insurgent came prepared. Having memorized the path down to the deepest depths of the fortification, he made for the catacombs. His path would lead him past the pantry, around the guardsroom and uncomfortably close to the throne room. It was here, that he overheard them.“The flock approaches, foolishly. They stand no chance against our gathered might here.” A raspy voice, like cold steel on bare stone. In response, another says “Nay, they do not. But let us not be overconfident, lest we fail to observe something that may swing the odds in their favor.” The Claw, and The Fang, surely. Advisors to the Marquise herself, thought The Insurgent as he picked the lock down to the basement in the cover of night.T’was then, that he heard her. “We shall crush them, as we did the Gardens of the cult of Dracon.” The voice, cold and uncaring. It sent shivers down The Insurgent’s spine, and brought him back to the night where it all began.T’was a peaceful autumn day for the Cult of Dracon. Lizards roamed the gardens, mumbling hymns to the Great Drake. Their rituals, dedicating artifacts and land to the mysterious entity. They had nary a reason to interfere with the outside world. Regardless, tradition dictates that some would be trained as acolytes, ready to Crusade and Sanctify for the Dragon God. One such Acolyte kept vigil on the eastern edge of the clearing. A bright young man of keen emerald eyes. He gazed past the treeline, and struggled to keep his eyes open and alert. The watch was the least valued of all the duties of the Acolytes, but one had to start somewhere. He hoped one day to rise through the ranks and be seen for his worth.The hours went by, and watch was ever uneventful, until he spied through the canopy the glint of steel. Moving silently through the branches of the forest’s edge were a host of avian stalkers. The young lizard’s hand flew to his side, and a sound was heard in the gardens that had not been heard for an age. The Dragon’s Bellow, a warning horn blown when a threat to the Gardens was nigh. Acolytes gathered besides him as he beheld the warriors of the Eyrie Dynasty crash through the treeline, spears, axes and crossbows in hand they charged for the gardens.The ensuing battle was a blur of bloodshed and screaming. Ancient tales of lizard bravery told of great heroes who fought off hoards of foes in the name of the Dracon, but this battle held not any glory. In the chaos of it all, the young emerald eyed lizard spied the perpetrator of this madness, the current monarch of the Eyrie Dynasty, The Despot. A vulture, seated on the back of a palanquin, a vile creature with eyes filled with malice and a beak stained with the blood of innocents, surveyed the chaos with a twisted satisfaction. His warriors, ruthless and merciless, showed no mercy to the lizards of the cult.Buildings were set ablaze, gardens trampled underfoot, and cries of agony filled the air like a haunting melody. In the midst of the battle, as flames consumed what was once a sanctuary of peace, the young lizard locked eyes with The Despot. There was a moment of recognition, a silent acknowledgment of the hatred and cruelty that fueled the vulture’s actions. T’was a gaze filled with unspoken promises of vengeance and retribution. Amidst the chaos and destruction, he made a fateful decision—to survive and carry the legacy of his fallen brethren.And so he fled, until he arrived upon a Lizard clearing where moonbeams danced upon the dew-kissed leaves, and unbeknownst to him a rebellion had been brewing like a storm on the horizon. The Insurgent, his scales reflecting the pale light of the moon, stood amidst a gathering of creatures who had turned against him and his brethren—the once-respected Lizard Cult.The rabbits, mice, and foxes who had once claimed to be sympathizers to the cause of the cult, stood nigh unrecognizable. Their eyes were gleaming with malic, as they whispered among themselves as the young lizard addressed them with a plea for reason. “Listen not to the whispers of treachery,” he spoke, his voice tinged with sorrow and desperation. “We are not your enemies, but victims of the invasion of the Eyrie.”A murmur of defiance rippled twixt the assembly, fueled by years of resentment and envy towards the Lizard Cult. Each creature harbored its own grievances, real or imagined, and after much plotting, they had ingratiated themselves within the cult to turn the tables against them.“We must not succumb to the darkness of deceit,” implored the boy, his emerald eyes pleading for understanding. “The gardens, symbols of our unity and devotion under the Dracon, are not tools for your vendettas. They are the heart of our culture, nurtured by generations of reverence and sacrifice.”
But his words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the clamor of ambition and resentment. With their deceptive smiles and hidden daggers, the Woodland Alliance had seized this land for themselves.In this woodland revolt, the boy clung to hope like a flickering flame in the darkness. He knew that retribution and justice would not come easily, but he vowed to fight back and bring unto these heathens the wrath of the fiery drake. And so he fled once more, to the final sanctuary of the Cult.The night settled over the lizard haven like a heavy cloak, promising respite ere a long journey. The lizard, weary from his travels and burdened by the weight of impending doom, sought refuge among his kin. Yet, the haven’s inhabitants, nestled in their illusion of peace, dismissed his warnings as the ramblings of a tired wanderer. They bid him rest, lest he collapse in his exhaustion, such that they may speak in the morning as to what truly transpired.Frustration gnawed at the boy’s resolve as he lay down to rest, the scent of smoke lingering in the air like a foreboding omen. Dreams of devastation haunted his slumber, visions of flames devouring the gardens and the screams of his brethren echoing in the darkness.Suddenly, he jolted awake to the sound of crackling flames and the chaotic symphony of battle. Rushing to the window, his worst fears materialized afore his eyes—a horde of Cat soldiers, armed with machines of war, descended upon the haven like a merciless storm. Buildings crumbled, gardens burned, and the cries of the innocent pierced the night.Without hesitation, he sprang into action, spurred by a need for survival. Dodging falling debris and evading enemy blades, he fought his way through the chaos until he found himself cornered twixt ferocious felines and the deep murky waters of the river. The water beckoned like a fleeting refuge, a slim chance of escape in the face of overwhelming odds.
With a leap of faith, the young acolyte plunged into the icy embrace, the shock of cold water jolting him awake from the nightmare. He struggled against the current, his muscles aching and his breath shallow, until finally reaching the safety of the riverbank.Collapsed on the muddy shore, exhaustion and despair washed o’er him like a tide. He was the sole survivor, a witness to the devastation wrought by the Machine of the Marquise. As unconsciousness claimed him, he made a silent vow to rise from the ashes, to seek vengeance for his fallen brethren, and to sanctify the woodland in the name of the Dracon.Fire would take the Marquise, the Despot and The Alliance in one fell swoop, he swore to himself as donned his hood and took on the name of The Insurgent.As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of orange and gold, The Insurgent stirred from his uneasy slumber on a riverboat. His body ached from the ordeal, but the cold embrace of the river had granted him a reprieve from certain death. He blinked away the remnants of exhaustion, only to be greeted by the curious faces of otters from the Riverfolk Company.These otters, with their sleek fur and mischievous eyes, had stumbled upon The Insurgent during their journey southward. Drawn by rumors of conflict and opportunity, they saw potential in the wounded lizard—a potential for profit and partnership.“Well met, traveler!” chirped one of the otters, offering a friendly smile and a steaming cup of root tea. “We of the fine Riverfolk Trading Company caught wind of the troubles brewing in these waters and couldn’t resist offering our aid. For the right price of course. For now though, drink up, it’ll put some pep in your step.”Grateful for the gesture of kindness, The Insurgent accepted the tea and felt its warmth soothe his weary body. As he regained his strength, the otters regaled him with tales of their ventures and ambitions—of trading routes, exotic goods, and the allure of newfound markets.
In turn, The Insurgent shared his knowledge of the woodland, its factions, and the threat of the war being waged. Intrigued by his insights and survival skills, the otters proposed a mutually beneficial arrangement.“Tis our intention to establish a trade post downstream, a hub for goods, gossip and merriment,” explained the Ambrosius, the monocle wearing Otter executive. “But the river can be treacherous, especially with rumors of the Corvid Conspiracy lurking in the shadows.”
The mention of the Corvid Conspiracy piqued The Insurgent’s interest. Stories of the cunning crows, their mastery of subterfuge and guerilla tactics, had long intrigued him. He saw an opportunity—a chance to learn from these enigmatic birds, to glean knowledge that could aid him in his quest for justice.“I shall accompany your shipment safely to the trade post,” declared The Insurgent. “But afterward, I seek to unravel the secrets of the Corvids.”
And so, a pact was forged twixt lizard and otter—a pact of survival, opportunity, and the pursuit of knowledge. As they set sail down the winding river, The Insurgent’s thoughts were consumed by visions of the Corvid Conspiracy, a shadowy force that held the promise of enlightenment and perhaps, a chance at vengeance.The Insurgent accompanied them with a hand on his weapon. His emerald eyes scanned the dense foliage, every rustle and whisper of the wind a potential threat or ally in his quest.
T’wasn’t long afore their path led them to a clearing, where the otters had planned to establish their trade hub. Yet, instead of construction and busywork, The Insurgent found himself amidst a skirmish twixt stray Cat soldiers raiding the woodland for spoils and the unaware otters.“Flame grant me strength.” Whispered the Insurgent, holding his spear close to his chest, with the point raised up high, afore it burst into flame with the Dracon’s Breath. He swiftly joined the fray, his spite only tempered by his relative inexperience. The clash was fierce, the air thick with the clang of steel on steel and the cries of combatants, but The Insurgent emerged victorious, the last of the Cat soldiers retreating into the shadows.With his part of the bargain held, The Insurgent bid farewell to the otters and turned his attention to his true objective—the elusive Corvid Conspiracy. Following whispers and hidden trails, he navigated deeper into the heart of the forest, where the crows were said to dwell in secrecy.
As he ventured further, he stumbled upon a hidden clearing, surrounded by ancient trees and adorned with intricate nests woven from twigs and shadows. T’was here that he fell into one of the Corvids’ snares, a clever trap designed to ensnare the unwary and the curious.The Corvids, with their sharp beaks and piercing eyes, interrogated The Insurgent, probing his intentions and motivations. Never did they speak with the same voice, seemingly mimicking voicing they had all heard before with perfect imitation, disguising their own identities. They listened intently as he spoke of his desire to sow chaos among the powerful forces that threatened the woodland, doing what he could to exact his vengeance.Impressed by his determination and cunning, the Corvids agreed to tutor The Insurgent in their ways of subterfuge and espionage. For several weeks, he trained under their watchful eyes, learning the art of deception, sabotage, and strategic thinking. In this time, his mastery of his own blade seemed to blossom tenfold. The rage bubbling underneath tempered by reverence for his dragon god.As the tensions in the woodland crested, The Insurgent knew that his time with the Corvids was to come to a close. With gratitude in his heart, he bid farewell to his mentors, taking with him one of their expertly crafted bombs—a tool to bring desolation to his foes.
With the bomb securely in his possession, The Insurgent set his sights on the Underground Duchy’s burrow, seeking their aid to breach enemy lines. Armed with the counsel of the crows and a determination to defy the powers that sought to oppress, he ventured forth with purpose and determination, his emerald eyes shining with the fire of rebellion.The Insurgent embarked on his most audacious plan yet—to sow discord twixt the enemy factions and orchestrate their downfall in one fell swoop. He set his sights on manipulating the Woodland Alliance and the Eyrie Dynasty into a fatal misstep.
First move was to infiltrate the ranks of both factions, employing his expertise in stealth and deception to slip behind their defenses unseen. Disguised as a herald, he forged false missives and manipulated informants, sowing seeds of misinformation and doubt that would soon bear bitter fruit.For the Eyrie Dynasty, The Insurgent ensured that their decree would proclaim an imminent assault on the Marquise’s keep—a bold gambit intended to lure the Marquise’s forces into a defensive posture, bringing out the Despot to the forefront.Simultaneously, for the Woodland Alliance, he orchestrated a whispering campaign, painting a tantalizing picture of opportunity and liberation—enticing enough supporters to rally beneath their standard and rebel against the perceived weakened defenses of the Marquise’s stronghold. As the tension in the woodland reached a crescendo, The Insurgent observed from the shadows, his emerald eyes gleaming with anticipation. The stage was set, the pieces in motion, and he awaited the moment of truth—the culmination of weeks of training, planning and manipulation, at the end of which he seemed to have aged years.The Insurgent’s emerald eyes glazed back to the present, he found himself crouched beside the Marquise’s throne room, the lock to the basement yielding to his skilled fingers. With a silent prayer to the Dracon, he slipped into the darkness of the catacombs, the ancient network of caves beneath the clearing.The Corvid bomb, carefully placed against a crucial load-bearing pillar, ticked ominously as The Insurgent ignited the fuse. He had mere minutes afore cataclysmic blast would tear through the heart of the keep, bringing it to the ground.
Swift as wind and silent as a shadow, he made his way through the labyrinthine passages, every step a dance with fate. Above, the sounds of battle echoed—cries of war, clash of steel, and the roar of flames licking at timber.Emerging into the open air, The Insurgent beheld the chaos unfolding at the keep gates. Eyrie warriors clashed alongside armored foxes and bunnies, their combined forces a formidable sight. Yet, their leaders sensed something amiss, their wariness palpable in the air.
As the Marquise’s forces poured out of the keep, ready to turn the tide, a realization dawned upon them—the trap had been sprung, and they were ensnared in its fiery embrace.In that fleeting moment of clarity, The Despot and The Insurgent locked eyes across the battlefield. The lizard stood on a distant hillock, a safe distance away from the impending devastation, his spear ablaze, and his mouth a sinister grin.Then, with a deafening roar, the earth trembled as the Corvid bomb detonated with cataclysmic force. The load-bearing pillar crumbled, and the keep collapsed in a torrent of flame and debris. Woodland Alliance supporters and Eyrie warriors alike were consumed by the inferno, their cries lost in the roar of destruction.Fire. As far as the clearing stretched, there was fire, and this pyre would illuminate the evening for leagues, the plume of smoke climbing ever higher. The Dracon has exacted its due and laid claim to the woodland, as is its right.
The Kitsune's Game

The Kitsune’s Game was a project I worked on in a team with 3 others. We set out to create a co-operative social deduction experience. We aimed to introduce a new spin on classic tile flipping memory games. This involved players working together to break free from the illusion spun by the Kitsune.For this 4 person project, I put on many hats. I primarily focused on meaningful mechanics and drafting the design document and rules. I also worked on the digital art, conducted research and playtests for Quality Assurance.We had a fairly lengthy discussion stage. We ultimately settled on ‘Remember Together’ as our guiding principles. With this reference point set, we set about experimenting with different memory exercises and settled on expanding upon the classic format of tile flipping, to leverage the design literacy that many may have for this style of game. Herein, we were looking for new, meaningful gameplay loops that would offer a move away from the norm.
Mission Briefs

PATRON: Olivia 'Kilgore' Warrant (Prophet Espionage Arm, Union)
MISSION LOCATION: BFBC Divine Intervention, Mionides
MISSION TAGS: Planetside, Open Combat, Biomechanical, 2 Scenes, Light RP
MISSION DESCRIPTION:In 5016u, humanity is still plagued by war and oppression at the fringes of Core space. No matter how hard Union and its proxies work, ThirdComm’s mission is a titanic undertaking. To lift all of humanity into a post-capital, post-scarcity golden age is an operation that is always practiced, never complete – even the wildest of fields must be maintained if it is to be give yield. And thus, Union calls upon you, its Reapers.Operation: Peace among the Stars
Project: GrimHunt
Prophet Espionage Arm is acting on a confidential tip regarding the Mionidian Field Sport Society and ties with insurrectionist entities. Prophet has gleaned that huntsman data is being used to engineer a biomechanical organism capable of consumption and procreation, code named APEX.
Worse still, intel indicates that MFSS seeks transhumanist implantation into APEX. Violation of First Contact Accords will not be tolerated under ThirdComm. This op require Lancer expertise.
Prophet invites you aboard the PBC Divine Intervention for briefing.
- Olivia Warrant
PATRON: Vera Arden (Blackfront Operative Arm, Union)
MISSION LOCATION: BFBC Blood Moon Sailing, New Krasnodar
MISSION TAGS: Planetside, Open Combat, 2 Scenes, Light RP
MISSION DESCRIPTION:In 5016u, humanity is still plagued by war and oppression at the fringes of Core space. No matter how hard Union and its proxies work, ThirdComm’s mission is a titanic undertaking. To lift all of humanity into a post-capital, post-scarcity golden age is an operation that is always practiced, never complete – even the wildest of fields must be maintained if it is to be a field. And thus, Union calls upon you, its Reapers.
Operation: Peace among the Stars
Project: WyldFyre
Blackfront Operative Arm is acting on a call for logistical aid regarding the recently discovered 'Wyldflight' terrorist cell on New Krasnodar. We feel personally responsible that a Long Rim threat has made it this far out of its boundaries.
In our first rendezvous however, we discovered that they are armed and prepared beyond what we expected. This op require Lancer expertise. Union has directed us to achieve total Annihlation of the Wyldflight threat by dispatching The Reapers.
Blackfront Operative Arm invites you to meet us on our ship, the 'BFBC Blood Moon Sailing' for mission briefing.
- Vera Arden, Blackfront Operative Arm
Through the Looking Glass
Session 1: Down the Rabbit Hole
The players are on the trail of a member of the Looking Glass Gang, who leads them to an abandoned subway station in The Wheelhouse district. Here, the gang has set up a production site for the drug Hops. The session will culminate in a battle with The Hatter, one of the Rabbit's lieutenants.
Scene 1: The Stakeout
• Objective: Track a known gang member through the Outer Slums into the Wheelhouse.
• Encounter:
The players follow the gang member through dark alleys and crumbling infrastructure. A minor encounter with some low-level thugs could occur if they make too much noise or fail a stealth check. This encounter gives a taste of the gang's chaotic nature and the bizarre effects of the drug Hops.
o Thug Abilities: Basic hand-to-hand combat, some lightly armed. Thugs under the influence of Hops exhibit strange, erratic behavior, possibly hallucinating or attacking recklessly.
Scene 2: Entering the Subway Station
• Objective: Gain access to the abandoned subway station where the gang member disappears.
• Encounter:
The players may find a locked gate or entrance guarded by a couple of gang members. This presents an opportunity for a stealthy takedown or a frontal assault, depending on the players’ choices. Once inside, they descend into a dark, graffiti-riddled subway station lit by flickering lights.
o Environmental Challenges: Narrow, confined tunnels make movement difficult. The darkness adds disadvantage to perception rolls unless the players find light sources.
Scene 3: Goon Patrols and Chemical Equipment
• Objective: Investigate the gang's drug production.
• Encounter:
Deeper into the tunnels, the players come across an underground lab with makeshift chemical equipment bubbling away. The air is thick with the hallucinogenic fumes of Hops, which could cause minor status effects on any player exposed for too long (e.g., disorientation, brief flashes of illusion).
o Environmental Hazards: Leaky pipes and broken machinery could create dangerous situations. Players might need to make fortitude saves to avoid initial effects of Hops.
o Goon Patrol: Two or three guards patrol the lab. One is trying to keep the machinery working while the others idly stand watch, unaware of the approaching threat.
Scene 4: Got a train to catch!
• Objective: Stop the gang's reinforcements.
• Encounter:
In the next section of the tunnel, the players see an old subway car parked at the platform, repurposed as a mobile command post. The Hatter could use this subway car as an escape plan if the players make too much noise or trigger an alarm.
o Subway Car Escape: The Hatter and a few goons are loading crates of Hops onto the car. If the players fail to intervene, the Hatter will attempt to use the subway car to flee. Players will need to disable the car or stop it mid-run.
Scene 5: The Showdown with The Hatter
• Objective: Defeat The Hatter and dismantle the drug operation.
• Encounter:
The final battle occurs in the depths of the abandoned station, amidst chemical vats and machinery.
o Environmental Hazard: During the fight, chemical containers and faulty machinery may start to malfunction, creating additional hazards or opportunities for the players to use to their advantage.
Scene 6: Conclusion
• Objective: Capture The Hatter or let him escape.
• Endgame:
If the players successfully capture The Hatter, they’ll have him arrested and taken into custody, setting up the next session. If he escapes, they’ll have more reason to pursue the gang. Regardless, Dr. Sherbrooke will intercept the prisoner transport and murder The Hatter after the session, signaling the arrival of The Terror.
Session 2: Enter the Sleepwalker
Previously on “Through the Looking Glass…”
Our heroes picked up the trail of Anthony Hawkins, a shady figure tied to the elusive Looking Glass Gang. Their search led them deep into the Wheelhouse district, where they uncovered an abandoned subway station hiding a sinister operation. Inside, they found makeshift production lines for “Hops,” a powerful drug that kept its users trapped in dreamlike states, reliving the happiest moments of their lives—all while being forced to wear eerie green headgear.
It was there they encountered the gang’s twisted productions lead: the Mad Hatter. The Hatter, fearful for his own life, confessed that mysterious deaths had been sweeping through the gang, and even he wasn’t safe. His loyalty to the gang’s leader, the Rabbit, was rooted in a desperate desire to protect someone named Alice.
Our heroes convinced him to surrender, promising to keep Alice safe. But just when it seemed like they’d gained their footing, things took a turn for the worse. The next morning, they woke to grim news: the Hatter’s prison convoy had been ambushed. He was found dead, along with three injured, his fears tragically realized. The Unknown Assassin had struck again, leaving our heroes with more questions…and an enemy, one step ahead.
This week, the stakes rise higher yet as our heroes dive deeper into the twisted world of the Looking Glass Gang!1. Briefing with Deputy Caihong and Dr. Sherbrooke
"As you enter the dimly lit precinct, the air feels thick with tension. Deputy Caihong stands before you, his face stern, eyes flickering with the weight of unspoken truths. Next to him, Dr. Sherbrooke sits, his calm, clinical demeanor somehow unsettling. The room is filled with a quiet hum of activity, but the moment they start speaking, everything else fades into the background. You're about to dive deeper into the twisted world of the Looking Glass Gang—and Alice, the Sleepwalker, is at the heart of it."
After the attack on The Hatter's transport, the players are led by Charles “Chuck” Hoffman to a meeting room with Deputy Caihong (their trusted contact in the Ring City Police Department) and Dr. Miles Sherbrooke, their UPC Specialist ally—unbeknownst to them, also the future main antagonist.
• Deputy Caihong arrives first. He’s a grizzled, no-nonsense officer who has seen far too much weirdness in his years with the RCPD. He updates the players on the recent ambush: The Hatter, the lieutenant they helped arrest, was killed during an attack on his transport. His death is unusual—his body was found twisted in terror, his eyes wide with fear as if he had witnessed something horrifying in his last moments. Caihong suspects more than just gang-related violence, possibly something more supernatural or extranormal, but lacks solid proof.
Dr. Sherbrooke joins the meeting shortly after, maintaining a professional and almost emotionless demeanor. He confirms the attack on the convoy and informs the players that it might be linked to The Terror, an unknown entity hunting down members of the Looking Glass Gang. However, Sherbrooke is more focused on the next target: Alice, the Sleepwalker.
Anomaly #191255162311
Occupation: Student
Base: Graven University
Alice Merrid, named for her maternal grandmother, loved history from the time she learned to read. She devoured whatever literature about the past she could find. No surprise that the bookish Alice pursued a degree in Archeology and became a junior Research Assistant at Graven University. She was seemingly content with her civilian life.
Her last known location according to University records was at a dig site south of Ring City, looking into an underground cult commune of a Pentafica, a sleep paralysis entity of Infernal origin. This is suspected to be the source of her newfound Anomalous powers and also what the Rabbit is leveraging to spearhead his recruitment.
• manipulating vulnerable minds into submission. He advises the team to prepare for mental and physical challenges when confronting her.
• The players are tasked with investigating Victon, where Alice is operating out of a small performance theatre. Sherbrooke gives them intel that Alice’s projections are actively coercing and recruiting people there. He encourages the players to infiltrate the theatre, stop the recruitment, and rescue Alice if possible.
2. Infiltrating Victon and the Theatre
"Victon greets you like a forgotten dream—a patchwork of worn-out streets, neon signs flickering above disheveled storefronts. The performance theatre looms at the heart of this eerie district, its marquee faintly glowing under a clouded sky. People shuffle aimlessly toward the theatre, drawn like moths to a flame, unaware of the trap they're stepping into. You can feel the distortion in the air.”
Once the players arrive in Victon, they quickly realize the extent of Alice’s influence. Her projections are scattered throughout the district, each playing a role in luring vulnerable individuals to the theatre. They encounter three distinct projections:
• The Cheshire: A fast-talking figure, the Cheshire entices individuals who feel lost or aimless, offering them "a place to belong" within the gang. He often preys on addicts, the homeless, or those who have lost direction, promising them a chance to escape their miserable lives by becoming part of a "bigger story."
• The Duchess: A manipulative figure who uses blackmail and shame. She approaches individuals with secrets or hidden crimes, subtly coercing them by threatening to expose their darkest deeds unless they join the Looking Glass Gang. She often targets low-level criminals, extortionists, or people living double lives.
• The Caterpillar: A soothing, hypnotic projection who works like a drug dealer, promising an escape from pain and suffering through the use of Hops. He operates on those who are already in the gang's orbit or people on the verge of giving in to addiction, convincing them that they can achieve transcendence if they just “take the next step.”
As the players make their way to the theatre, they encounter these projections leading civilians into the performance theatre:
• Civilians Being Recruited:
o Kara, a young woman who recently lost her job and has been spiraling downward. The Cheshire tempts her with promises of stability and community.
o Tony, a mid-level criminal with a rap sheet who is being blackmailed by the Duchess. She threatens to expose his past crimes unless he joins the Looking Glass Gang.
o Elliot, a struggling addict who has been promised “freedom” from his suffering by the Caterpillar through the use of Hops.
3. The Theatre
"The theatre’s faded grandeur clings desperately to an illusion of normalcy, but something is off. The plush red carpets and golden trimmings feel wrong—like walking into someone else’s dream. Inside, projections wander like actors preparing for a twisted play. The air smells faintly of dust and decay. You’re handed tickets, but you know this is more than just an invitation—it’s a test. Masked figures lurk in the shadows, their hollow eyes following your every move as you’re ushered deeper into the belly of the beast."
When the players arrive at the theatre, they too receive an invitation to enter. Inside, at the ticket booth, they see the projections work in tandem. The Cheshire lures them in, the Duchess forces them to choose between a mask or exposure, and the Caterpillar tempts them with a new kind of freedom. Civilians are given masks, roles, and scripts, which represent the gang's twisted indoctrination. Once they accept, they are led deeper into the theatre.
• Theatre Environment: The stage is the centerpiece, where recruits are made to repeat their lines over and over. With each recitation, they fall further into the gang’s brainwashing. In the audience, more projections watch, taking notes, and encouraging those on stage. The deeper the players venture, the more they see how Alice's subconscious has turned this theatre into a trap for lost souls.
• Projections in the Theatre:
o The Jabberwock, a hulking brute guarding the stage door leading to Alice.
o If the players manage to reach the stage, they can attempt to interact with Alice's body, which lies incapacitated backstage, tied to the influence of Hops. They may choose to try and snap her out of her dream-state, waking her up and breaking her psychic hold on the projections.
4. The Terror Strikes
"The UPC medics rush Alice into the waiting vehicle, her body limp but breathing. For a moment, it seems like you’ve succeeded—until the world around you shifts. The lights flicker, shadows twist unnaturally, and an icy wave of fear washes over you. The Terror emerges from the darkness, his presence overwhelming, a walking nightmare fueled by grief and revenge. His gaze locks onto Alice, filled with a dangerous resolve. The air crackles with tension as you realize you’ve walked right into the eye of the storm."
Once Alice is rescued, the UPC dispatches a medical team to extract her and bring her to a secure facility. However, during the extraction, The Terror strikes. His target is Alice, whom he blames for drawing his daughter into the Looking Glass Gang through one of her dream projections.
As Alice is loaded into the UPC vehicle, the environment suddenly warps, with unnatural shadows and waves of fear assaulting the players’ senses. The Terror reveals himself—an otherworldly figure of fear, fueled by his hatred and grief. He attempts to kill Alice on the spot, blaming her for his daughter’s demise.
• Choices for the Players:
o Fight The Terror and attempt to protect Alice.
o Attempt to escape while shielding Alice.
o Distract The Terror to give Alice time to escape.
The Terror is immensely powerful at this point and may overwhelm the players, forcing them to retreat, leaving the confrontation unresolved for now. This sets him up as the final villain for the campaign, looming over future encounters.
Session 3: The Rabbit Hole Deepens
The chase takes the players to Midtown, where the gang has infiltrated high-tech labs and is using advanced devices to brainwash more members. The Rabbit’s influence is spreading as he gets bolder.
Key Points:
• Third Lieutenant Encounter: The players confront The March Hare, a super-speedster who thrives in chaotic, high-energy fights. The March Hare creates distractions and confusion, overwhelming the heroes with a frenzied attack.
• Midway Twist: After defeating the March Hare, the players discover a recording from Dr. Sherbrooke, showing his growing instability and revealing his goal to destroy both the Rabbit and his gang by absorbing their fear.
• Confrontation with the Rabbit: As they gain more clues, the players track down the Rabbit to The Bowery, where they face his mind-altering abilities. Before they can capture him, The Terror intervenes, absorbing the Rabbit's madness but also becoming more powerful.
Session 4: Descent into Madness
The players realize that The Terror is the true threat. They track him to Graven University, where he has set up a lab to amplify his fear-feeding abilities.
Key Points:
• Terror Revealed: The players learn about Dr. Sherbrooke’s transformation and the tragedy that pushed him over the edge—his daughter’s involvement with the gang.
• Final Showdown with The Terror: The climax of the campaign involves a confrontation with The Terror as he attempts to drain the Rabbit completely of fear, which could result in the Rabbit becoming permanently insane.
• Moral Choice: The players must stop The Terror while also deciding whether to arrest or rehabilitate the Rabbit. They could even leverage the Rabbit's insight into the mind of The Terror to help them.
Final Session: Through the Looking Glass
The players return to Uptown, where The Terror has drawn them to a final confrontation. Here, The Terror plans to use his fear-absorbing device to broadcast terror across the entire city, making himself the most powerful villain in Ring City’s history.
Key Points:
• The Terror’s Final Plan: The villain’s goal is revealed—to tap into the collective fear of the entire city and become an unstoppable force.
• Saving the Rabbit: The Rabbit is now a broken man, consumed by the very madness he inflicted on others. The players must decide whether to save him from himself and The Terror.
• Final Battle: The players confront The Terror, using all the knowledge they’ve gained about his fear-feeding abilities to outwit and defeat him.
Themes and Player Experience
• Moral Ambiguity: The players will face complex choices, such as whether to bring the Rabbit to justice or help him find redemption.
• Mental Health: Themes of trauma, madness, and the human mind’s fragility are central to the story.
• Escalation: The plot steadily builds toward the revelation of the true villain, with players thinking they are stopping a gang, only to realize they must save the city from a more dangerous threat.